LDA – Large Domestic Appliance & Fridge Recycling Plant

Is the first and only facility in Israel for recycling large and complex electronic waste. LDA specializes mainly in products containing heating and cooling gases, such as refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners.

This state-of-the-art facility is owned 90% by All Trade Recycling company (All Recycling), and 10% by the M.A.I. Israel Electronics Recycling Corporations. The LDA plant operates mostly without human involvement and is equipped with advanced recycling technologies for the treatment of polluting gases and oils, as well as for the dismantling, shredding and recovery of raw materials for industrial use. Part of the recycling process requires special treatment of refrigerant gases – HFC and CFC – which are the most harmful greenhouse gases.

The facility meets the requirements of the strict CENELEC European recycling standards for the treatment of complex electronic waste. In addition, LDA processes refrigerant gases in an environmental manner and prevents them from being released into the air, adversely affecting global warming. The LDA facility has an annual capacity of 300,000 units for treatment, and the ability to prevent up to 600,000 megatons of Co2-equivalent emissions.

Refrigerator recycling process

The recycling process lasts a total of about a minute and allows the factory to take in about 60 refrigerators per hour.

Refrigerator recycling stages:

• Transportation from the customer’s home to the recycling plant.

• Cutting of the electrical cables and removal of glass parts (shelves, doors).

• Pumping of the refrigerant gases and oils from the compressor.

• Stripping of aluminum and copper piping, removal of the compressor and electrical components.

• Recycling of the clean of gas and oils compressor into copper and iron.

• Shredding of the refrigerator in a closed facility.

• Separation of materials into:

o Polyurethane sealing foam (PUR)
o Iron
o Plastic
o Aluminum and copper

Environmental treatment of refrigerant gases and insulating gases

The environmental impact of the refrigerant gases, which are part of refrigerators and air conditioners, is very significant, as they are particularly harmful greenhouse gases. One old refrigerator contains a refrigerant gas that has a similar effect on climate change as a private car that travels 100,000 km.

Harmful gases are present in two places in a refrigerator: the compressor has refrigerant gases that can be pumped out relatively easily, but most of the harmful gas in refrigerators is in the insulation foam (which is inflated with greenhouse gases). Failure to treat appropriately, in accordance with the CENELEC standard, will lead to air and soil pollution.

The LDA facility also handles refrigerators that contain the flammable pentane gas, and their shredding is carried out while injecting nitrogen, which is produced from air.

All the reasons to choose All Recycling:

All Recycling is the leading and most advanced recycling company, in the Middle East and in Israel, for recycling electrical and electronic waste.

Advanced technologies, an innovative and advanced production line, experts with extensive and proven experience, nationwide coverage, and comprehensive management of our internal logistic unit enable us to help our customers implement recycling of electronic waste effectively, safely and in accordance with all environmental regulations. The attention to details and responsibility of all our staff provide our customers with peace of mind.

  • Environmental benefits

    Environmental benefits

    Our production line is one of the most advanced in the world, aimed at achieving 0% landfill and with no pollution whatsoever.

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  • Controlled and documented process

    Controlled and documented process

    Strict management, registration and monitoring of all stages of the process, and issuance of certificates in accordance with the law and regulations.

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  • Experience


    All Recycling is a long-standing company, serving more than 1,000 of the largest concerns in the Israeli market.

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  • Certification and regulation

    Certification and regulation

    The factory was built according to WEEE regulations and holds certificates for IS0-9001, ISO-14001, and Business Licenses from local authorities and the Office of Environmental Protection, as well as Toxin Handling Permits.

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  • Advanced automatic production line

    Advanced automatic production line

    With production capabilities of 30,000 tons per year.

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  • Privacy and data security

    Privacy and data security

    Strict recycling processes ensure complete destruction of devices and your data.

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  • Sorting, renewing and recycling

    Sorting, renewing and recycling

    We allocate everything we treat to reuse whenever possible, and when that is not possible, send all recycled materials to be used as raw materials for industry.

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  • Contributing to community

    Contributing to community

    Donating and empowering people with disabilities Also, food donations, volunteer work and more.

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Certificates and certifications

ISO 9001
ISO 14001

Leading customers choose All Recycling

Reduce risk significantly by choosing a company that can provide you with All Recycling in your choice.
And the electronics of your organization or business IT is a broad and comprehensive solution in the entire field of equipment handling

הוט מובייל
משרד הביטחון
מפעל הפיס
חברת החשמל
אל על

E-waste collection request form

For electronic waste collection, please send us the following details or call us directly: Or call 073-2633382

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